Saturday, February 26, 2011

Alex Grey

Alex Grey is one of the rare truly-inspired artists of our age. He not only paints humans with medical precision, but he also paints many dimensions of the actual human being. That is, he paints the actual subtle energy bodies of the human, as well as the obvious physical flesh body - creating a separate painting for each "plane" or "dimension" of the human energy field.  This is truly higher-consciousness "visioning"!  His paintings thereby offer a "glimpse" into the actual subtle auric energy-fields of humans.    

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Space odyssey 2001

A short but impressive part of film Space odyssey 2001. I very like it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fantastic drawings of Roger Dean Vol. 2

More painting of Roger Dean

Fantastic drawings of Roger Dean

Roger Dean is an internationally recognised artist and designer, whose evocative and visionary images with associated graphics, logos, and lettering, created a new genre of work.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The artwork of Luke Brown

Luke Brown is an intrepid explorer, part of a new generation of visionaries recontructing the templates of culture as we know it. His art speaks of the spiritual mysteries in the human imagination.

Luke Brown's site

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blockhead - The Music Scene

Some stoned stuff

Psychodelic Art

Сегодня мой блог получил новое название. Теперь я точно определился с его тематикой. а ещё я бросаю попытки делать его англоязычным, потому что в этом нет ни малейшего смысла.
Надеюсь что теперь мой блог будет интереснее

Let's take a trip together!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Снова немного психоделики

Shakespear sister перепели Белого кролика от Jefferson airplain а неизвестные умельцы сделали психоделический клип из советского мультика Алиса в стране чудес (1984)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

There Will Come Soft Rains

There Will Come Soft Rains is russian psychodelic multfilm based on the novel of Ray Bradbury

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dj Hazard - Machete

Track of dj hazard and trailer from film  "Machete"

funny stuff

I really like that)

Cue - Rainbow dub

Uuuuuyy! wahwahawahwah
exellent track !

First message

This blog is My first
There wiil be: music that I like and more more awesome things